Flower may have power

Have you been in a rut lately? Do you feel like the world is scheming against you, that the rest of the human race is conspiring a grand prank to pull out the rug from under you and knock you out senseless?

Well, that could be possible and quite discomforting, isn’t it? It’s not that abnormal to be in a funk, since these days this crazy, mixed up world always has surprises, both good and bad, to throw us out in a spin. But the great thing about life is, there’s always a way to make it all better, even just temporarily. One quick fix to put you in a quite splendid state is to be in the presence of flowers, and no, that’s not just an opinion, it has actually been proven by a number of researchers and scientists.

Just imagine, after getting off from work all riled and ready to explode you pass a lush orchard of roses and various blooming plants. That single sight of beauty, comforts your senses and in some way calms your nerves. From the experts scientists, a 10 month research was done that put participants into a series of behavioral and emotional responsive tests upon receiving flowers. It has concluded three key points:

Flowers have an immediate impact on happiness
It was found out that after a few months of subjecting them to an environment filled with flowers, the participants almost always expressed instantaneous positive delight upon receiving flowers.                                                                                                            Flowers have a long-term positive effect on moods
The test showed that the participants lost their feelings of depression and anxiousness upon receiving flowers.
Flowers make intimate connections
The scientific experiment concluded that the test had shown progress and increase in contact with familial relations.

Într-un fel sau altul, într-o limbă sau două, mă exprim cu faptul că .. despre asta era vorba cu Intime şi nu neapărat. Stai, că iar vă încurc. Postul era unul foarte comod şi bun. Azi fiind data de 7, sigur că eu mă duc numai după numerele pare şi rareori după numerele impare(acum, deseori) şi atunci am zis că nu acord o mai mare importanţă, întrucât nu se cuvine acestui subiect, dar care totuşi trebuie menţionat.

„Frunze şi petale” va fi oarecum despre aceeaşi temă ca şi în „Trandafir de carne”, unde cu siguranţă Vanesa, o bucureşteancă din Bucharest ştie să aprecieze şi înflăcărată, m-a contactat, după ce eu o contactasem, tot la cererea ei. În fine, abia aştept. Plus că ştiu că vreau şi „Razboi de catifea”, dar nici la jumate sau un sfert nu sunt şi atunci amân, până când situaţiile se rezolvă şi etc.

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Un răspuns la „Flower may have power

  1. Edith

    Well,I feel this-la prima intrebare si la a doua-Yes,it is. :bv:imi place. :DD

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